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Jul 7, 2020 3:32:00 PM

2 Bedroom VanHome Granny Flat Installed in Hours!

2 Bedroom VanHome Granny Flat Installed in Hours!


In this video, Lachlan from VanHomes gives you a sneak peek into the Installation of a Single Expanding Suite VanHome.


What Steps Are Involved In Installing a VanHome?

There are numerous steps involved in installing a VanHomes granny flat. To help you understand the whole process, we've created a video showcasing the complete process of a VanHomes install from a first-person perspective.

Watch The Video Here

It is VanHome's mission is to provide innovative, affordable housing to all Australians. With the property market becoming so rapidly unsustainable, we believe that there should be another option for Australians in all stages of life.

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