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Apr 1, 2019 2:11:00 PM

2 Bedroom No Council Approval Granny Flat

2 Bedroom No Council Approval Granny Flat


In this video, we take you on a tour through a 2 bedroom Expanding VanHome, which was installed in half a day and with No Council Approval.


Want to learn more about the NSW Council Bypass?

VanHomes identify as a registrable caravan, which means your VanHome may not need to go through any council approvals. However, legislation surrounding on-site caravans, caravans on private property or in a backyard will vary from state to state.

The NSW Council Bypass

VanHomes is unique by nature. As a registerable caravan, for most properties, your VanHome can be easily added as a second dwelling without the need for council or building approvals. All VanHomes can also be customised to your needs, whether you require special grab railings in the bathroom or other features to make your life easier.

Learn more about VanHomes with these useful links: