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Maximise Your Granny Flat's Space with VanHomes' Interior Design Tips

Written by VanHomes | 14 November 2023

Making the most of your Small Space

Even with limited space, you can show a style that reflects your unique personality. It's a fun challenge that will bring out your creativity. How do you do that? 

In this blog post, we’re giving tips to help you design and style your VanHome while keeping within your space and without breaking the bank.

Tip 1: Choose Multipurpose Furniture

When styling a small space like a granny flat, choosing the right furniture to maximise functionality while saving space is important. 

Here are some things you can do to help you select the perfect furniture pieces for your granny flat:

  • Consider multipurpose furniture: Multipurpose furniture pieces are a great solution for small spaces as they can serve multiple purposes. For example, a sofa bed can provide a comfortable place to sit during the day and a cosy place to sleep at night.

  • Opt for storage ottomans: A storage ottoman can serve as a seat, a footrest, and a place to store blankets or other items, making it an excellent addition to your granny flat.

  • Ensure the furniture fits the scale of your space: It's crucial to choose furniture pieces that are the right size for your granny flat. Oversized furniture can make a small space feel cramped, while too small furniture can make it appear empty and uninviting.

  • Complement your design aesthetic: When selecting furniture pieces, make sure they complement your design aesthetic. This will help create a cohesive and inviting atmosphere.

  • Look for built-in storage: Furniture pieces with built-in storage can be especially helpful for keeping your granny flat, organised, and clutter-free.


Tip 2: Use Vertical Space

Utilising your vertical space is crucial when styling a small space like a granny flat.

Here are some things to do to maximise your storage and small space using vertical storage solutions:

  • Use shelves: Installing shelves on your walls is a great way to add extra storage space while keeping your floors clutter-free. You can use them to display books, plants, or other decorative items.

  • Opt for wall-mounted storage: Solutions like hooks, baskets, and hanging organisers can help you maximise your walls while freeing up valuable floor space. And it works well if you plan to create something for a child-friendly space! 

  • Choose vertical storage solutions that fit your space: It's essential to choose vertical storage solutions that fit the scale of your space. Oversized shelves or storage units can make a small space feel cramped, while too small solutions won't provide enough storage space.

  • Complement your design aesthetic: When selecting vertical storage solutions, make sure they complement your design aesthetic. This will help create a cohesive and visually appealing living space.

  • Add decorative elements: Incorporating artwork or other decorative elements on your walls can help draw the eye upwards and make your space feel larger.

Tip 3: Go for Light Colours and Reflective Surfaces

Styling a small space like a granny flat can be a fun challenge. Light colours and reflective surfaces can create a brighter and more spacious living environment.

Here are some things to do to make the most of your space:

  • Use light colours: Light-coloured paint on your walls or furniture can make your space brighter and more open. Pastel shades like pale blue, pink, or green are excellent choices for a calming and relaxing atmosphere.

  • Incorporate reflective surfaces: Mirrors are an excellent way to reflect light and create the illusion of more space. You can hang them on your walls or use mirrored furniture like a coffee table or a console. Other reflective materials like metallic accents or glass tabletops can also create a sense of airiness in your space.

  • Choose a cohesive colour palette: Opt for a neutral colour palette that creates a cohesive and calm environment. Shades of white, beige, or grey are excellent choices for a small space like a granny flat. If you still decide what colour palette to choose, check this out.

Tip 4: Embrace Minimalism

Embracing minimalism means keeping your decor simple and uncluttered, creating a calming environment, and making your space feel larger.

Here's what you can do to adopt the minimalist approach:

  • Choose functional furniture: When selecting furniture pieces, choose those that serve a purpose rather than purely decorative items. Opt for multi-functional pieces like a sofa bed, storage ottoman, or coffee table with built-in storage.

  • Pare down your possessions: Keeping your space clutter-free is crucial in a small living environment. Pare down your possessions to only necessary ones, and avoid over-decorating your space with unnecessary items.

  • Use storage solutions: Storage solutions are essential in a small space. Utilise hidden storage solutions like under-bed drawers or storage ottomans to keep your space organised and clutter-free.

  • Incorporate clean lines: Minimalist design is characterised by clean lines and simplicity. Incorporate furniture and decor pieces with simple shapes and avoid overly decorative items.

  • Use a neutral colour palette: A neutral colour palette, like shades of white, beige, or grey, can create a cohesive and calming living environment.

Tip 5: Let in Natural Light

When making a small space like a granny flat feel larger, natural light can be one of the most effective ways to create an open and inviting atmosphere.

Here are some things to do to maximise natural light in your living space:

  • Remove heavy window coverings: Heavy window coverings or curtains can block natural light from entering your space. Consider removing or replacing them with sheer curtains that allow light to filter through while maintaining privacy.

  • Install skylights: Installing skylights is an excellent way to bring more natural light to your granny flat. They can brighten up even the darkest spaces and create a sense of openness and airiness.

  • Place mirrors strategically: Mirrors can reflect natural light and create the illusion of more space. Strategically placing them around your living space can help maximise the natural light in your space.

  • Keep your windows clean: Dirty or smudged windows can prevent natural light from entering your space. Keep them clean to ensure you get as much natural light as possible.

Styling small spaces like your VanHome granny flats can be a fun challenge. With the right design approach, transform what you have into a comfortable and stylish living space.

With these tips, you can create a stylish, comfortable living space that feels larger than its square footage suggests.

Discover more Interior Design Ideas to inspire your VanHome's decor. From colour range to various elements that will match all rooms of your VanHome.